About Tami-me

As a board advisor, I bring a unique perspective to organisations in the public sector, in education technology, and in climate technology. With a focus on strategy I work with organisations to drive impact and make meaningful progress in the areas of public relations, product design, and finance.Additionally, I am completing my training as a mathematical physicist at Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam. I have a strong interest in the ways that topology and geometry can aid in the comprehension of complex systems, be they found in physics, engineering, biology, or the social sciences.Although trained as a "theorist," I particularly enjoy addressing real-world problems and finding practical solutions. I often rely on mathematical methods to achieve this.

Current projects

Advisory Committee Integral Social Initiatives

This is an advisory committee to the Board of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Amsterdam. It is part of the program for democratisation and advises on the integral social iniatives ordinance. I am the vice-chair of the committee.

Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research

This is a national advisory committee to the Ministry of Education, Culture,and Science, as well as to higher education and research institutions. The committee advises on (implementation of) diversity and inclusion policy, such as e.g. the National Action Plan and derivatives thereof.

AT Climate Technology (AT Koeltechniek)

This is an engineering and installation company with over 30 years experience in (industrial) climate control that recently refocused to the sustainable energy sector with the development of a new product. I am advising them on positioning, fundraising, and product design.

MSc Thesis: Topology of Complex Systems

Currently writing my MSc thesis on the information topology of spin models. These are models for higher-order structures in complex networks. The project is supervised by Clelia de Mulatier.

Other activities

Teaching at UvA

I teach tutorial seminars at the University of Amsterdam. Examples of courses I have taught are the Emergence course of the Dutch Institute of Emergent Phenomena and a course on Mathematics in Society similar in content to this course.

Ambassador at ECHO

ECHO is a leading national expert on diversity, inclusion, and equity policy in the public, private, and education sector. As an ambassador I am often asked to partake in panel-discussions or alike.

Sparring partner at Science Park Amsterdam

I have been a sparring partner and advisor for several projects in and around Science Park Amsterdam. Examples are the recently launched Climate hub or the Sports Study Coaches at football/soccer club Zeeburgia.

Past projects

Diversity Talks

I founded Diversity Talks with close friends during the first year of my bachelor studies. It is a foundation that focusses on diversity, inclusion, and equity policy in Dutch education. It takes a integral approach to this by both organising hands-on projects and leading and partaking in applied research. It is a professional organisation and is completely run by students. For an impression you can have a look here . After founding it I have been the managing director for several years.The foundation is now in the process of becoming an ANBI foundation. It has an independent Supervisory Board, which has been appointed by an independent Nomination Committee. I was the designer for the process, meaning that I was in charge of writing the necessary legal documents for this process, including the initial bylaws of the first Supervisory Board and the job descriptions, and the appointment of the Nomination Committee members.

Student Impact Center

Inspired by my semester abroad at UCLA the same group of close friends and I founded Amsterdam's Student Impact Center together with the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam . This center focusses on getting students out of the university bubble and into the city, where they engage in either exisiting socio-techinical projects or socio-technical projects that they design themselves. The idea is that they either engage the general public, do something in return for the city, or tackle a social issue like climate inequality. See here for an (old!) impression.

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